Kids Special
- Balanced Nutrition
- Including fruits and vegetables
- Educating the child
- Snack wisely
Plant Based
- Seed Cycling
- Include vitamin B12, calcium, and iron-rich sources
- Include a variety of herbs
- Use of Olive oil
PCOS/PCOD Management
- Avoid sugary food, milk, caffeine
- Take soaked almonds, raisins and keasar
- Include whole and unprocessed food
- Focus on lean proteins and whole grains
- Taking eggs in your diet to improve PCOS
Diabetes Management
- Balanced food intake
- Mindful eating
- Keeping blood glucose level as normal as possible
Weight Loss Management
- Eating timely with regular intervals
- Including high calories food
- Free from diseases
- Maintain good sustainable weight
Weight Gain Management
- Eat plenty of dietary fibre
- Engage in regular aerobic activity
- Focus on reducing daily stress
- Consume less processes and sugary food